BIC Soleil "Savvy" Disposable Razors from "BzzAgent"

So a few weeks ago I joined this cool marketing company called BzzAgent and got a chance to join a marketing campaign for BIC Soleil Savvy disposable razors. They were sent to me for free to try out and review. This is my very first campaign, so I was super excited!!

I got one package to try and it came with one handle and a cute cartridge with 3 refills! Sweet! The packaging actually makes it look like a regular reusable razor and if it didn't say so on the box I don't think I would have ever thought they were "disposable". The design is quite pretty with a pink and white handle and a rubber grip for easier shaving. 

The razor head actually pivots so that's another plus because it makes shaving tricky areas such as your knees and feet a lot easier. Another thing I like about this product is that changing blades is quite easy. The handle just snaps right into the refill and you can slide it right out the cartridge and go (these are things you find on regular razors).

Once all the razors are used, you toss them along with the handle. And "no" you "can't" keep the handle because the refills aren't sold separately. Boohoo! But...they're disposable and that's what you do with disposables!

I've tried many BIC disposable razors in the past and honestly they were all like "meh", whatever! Nothing special, just another typical razor that rusts and dulls after the first 2 uses. But, I have to say BIC has stepped up their game with this one and I can definitely see myself buying a new pack in the near future. So there you have it! Now go run out and try one for yourself! :)

Here's an actual photo I took of the product! Hope you found this review helpful! Toodles!!

BIC Soleil "Savvy" Disposable Razors from "BzzAgent"


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